Used by one of the villains in Tintin in America.Jedi Master Zao has a lightsaber cane.The Sandman: Fiddler's Green has one which he carries with him when wandering around in human form.(He uses it to shoot a coconut and knock it out of a tree so it lands on the villain's head. In one of the older Mickey Mouse comic books, among the items Mickey inherits from a deceased uncle is a cane that supposedly "will help you in your time of need." The context makes it sound like it's in case he hurts himself, but in a critical moment he figures out that it can be bent and reconfigured into a long-barrelled rifle.Sailor Moon has Tuxedo Mask's cane, which can function as both a sword or a staff depending on the type of ass-kicking he's in the mood for.It breaks the first time he uses it to perform a gatotsu, so he discards it and goes back to using a katana. Saito Hajime uses one in his first appearance in Rurouni Kenshin.Until Death Do Us Part: the main character is blind (he can "see" with the aid of his special sunglasses, but that's a different trope) and stores his katana in his white cane.This is how Goemon realizes she's hostile: someone who genuinely needed a cane couldn't possibly have climbed that mountain. Later, his opponent also disguises her katana as a cane. At the very beginning, when Goemon is disguised as a scientist, he hides his sword like this.
#Walking canes with swords tv#
#Walking canes with swords manual#
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